Card of the Week

classic card of the week

Card: Scribblifors
Type: Spell
7 Transfiguration
Adventures at Hogwarts
Mark Romanoski
Choose 2 of your opponent's cards in play (other than his or her starting Character). He or she chooses and discards 1 of them and returns the other to his or her hand.

Jimmy: Scribblifors is kind of expensive at 7, but represents some great value. Getting to eliminate 2 of your opponent’s cards on the board for 1 action is awesome. It’s good when you play 2 at once, it’s good when you play it with other strong removal tools (Dobby’s Disappearance, Raven to Writing Desk), and it even combos well with popular discard options (Draco Malfoy, Peeves). Even though your opponent gets to make a choice, you’re guaranteeing neither of the cards they’re choosing between stays on the table. The flexibility of choosing between creatures, adventures, matches, characters, or even lessons means that whether you’re winning or losing this card will have a lot of value as long as you’re prepared to get to 7 Lessons.

John: Scribblifors is a perfect example of the top-end payoff cards in Transfiguration control decks. Scribblifors allows you to spend 1 action to undo 2 to 4 of your opponent's actions. Hitting two in any combination of Character and Adventure cards is more than an entire turn's worth of free value! Oftentimes Scibblifors is used to create the illusion of choice - making your opponent show you what they value more by forcing them to choose what they get to keep in their hand vs discard only to have you use your following action to remove that card from their hand anyway. Combined with another 7-cost spell from Heir of Slytherin, Muddled Memories, you can force your opponent to use their action to play a card different than the one that they chose to return to their hand! Potions Class Disaster decks may want to use Scribblifors as some earlier disruption as well. Pair Scribblifors with other strong Transfiguration control options like Dobby's Disappearance and Picking on Neville and you have the beginnings of a powerful deck!

Revival Card of the Week

Card: Cornish Pixie
Type: Creature - Pixie
5 Care of Magical Creatures
Heir of Slytherin
Andrew Bayliss
Effect: When you play this card, look at an opponent's hand. You may choose a card and place it under this card. (Cards under this card cannot be interacted with.)
When this card leaves play, return that card to its owner's hand.
Damage: 1
Health: 1

Jimmy: Cornish Pixie (like Scribblifors) is great in multiples. If you slam down two of these on the same turn, you’re likely to either protect both copies by removing your opponent’s removal options from their hand, OR you’ll be able to eliminate their removal option AND slow down their gameplan. Truth be told, your opponent may never recover the card you steal with Cornish Pixie. There’s even some tricky combo potential (I’m not sure if it's good) to use Cornish Pixie, Professor Quirinus Quirrell, and Venomous Tentacular Juice or Griphook together to stall your opponent’s plans, bounce their stuff (and your Pixie) and then punish them for having a ton of cards in hand.

Cornish Pixie has a really unique effect that gives Creatures decks a really nice piece of counter-play that they really don't have access to outside of heavy control Transfiguration variants. Cornish Pixie allows you to take a critical combo piece, removal card, or answer out of your opponent's hand while giving you complete information of what they are currently capable of - including if they can remove your Cornish Pixie. There are a lot of archetypes that do not play creature removal, and Cornish Pixie will be able to take an answer to itself if your opponent is holding one. Chances are you're playing more than one of this card and the fact that it isn't unique means that a swarm of Cornish Pixies could be massive trouble for your opponent's plans. Cornish Pixies also help you protect Adventures that require your opponent to have a specific kind of card to solve like Pep Talk by letting you pick the solution out of their hand. A downside that must be acknowledged is that if your opponent does have more than one way to combo out or deal with the Pixie, a Pixie that can be answered right away does little to slow an opponent and may even help them get a combo piece into their hand later in a way they wouldn't have been able to otherwise.